Monday, October 11, 2010

People Making Money Online

Apologies for missing the last two Tech at Nights. But unlike the paid staff of the well-funded Free Press, every word I’ve ever written here on technical issues has been on my own time, for free, because I care about the issues. And when work overwhelms me, as it did last week as a huge deadline approached, something had to give. And what gave was what I had to do at night when I just wanted to sleep.

So we start tonight with an update on the Waxman Net Neutrality bill. I wrote of it before in support of it, and proved prophetic as Henry Waxman used Republican opposition to justify radical, illegal FCC action on the issue.

It’s not too late, though. We can still build momentum to stop the FCC’s end run around the Congress, the Courts, and the Constitution. We need to talk up the Waxman bill because it is more limited than any other major proposal we’ve dealt with during this debate, because it would strictly, expressly forbid the FCC from doing the disastrous Title II reclassification which would give the FCC broad powers, and it’s just possible that the Congress taking the baton on this would encourage the FCC to back down until the process runs its course.

Politics matters, and there’s going to be a lame duck session. We can judo the Democrats on this, and use their bill in a bipartisan way to get the Congress behind a clear majority of the nation against massive Internet regulation. But we have to step up to the plate, ignore the Waxman name, and use the decent language of his proposal to make it happen. It’s time to put country first.

Especially when it gives even Barack Obama an out from a divisive issue, even as it gives America an out from regulation potentially more devastating to our economy than Obamacare, if it chokes off the Internet, one of our high growth, high potential areas.

And remember, the FCC is under pressure. It has all the power, but it is also under enormous political pressure. If the United States Congress makes bipartisan efforts against it, that will matter. Constitutional power still matters in this country, and no amount of political or rhetorical nudging will matter against it.

Moving on, The Obama administration is increasing regulation of electronic money transfers, rather than decreasing it as the libertarians who supported him expected. Huh. The statist is making government bigger. Whodathunkit? Oh wait. We did. We even said so. But people had to “make history” because Bush. And because racism. And now we all pay the price.

Be careful of what you do online with your name attached to it. People without their name attached to their works may expose you if you’re buying things online that you don’t want people to know about. It’s a crime, and anonymous vandals like the ones who have invaded 4chan infuriate me. But know they are out there. Walk in well-lit places. Use disposable credit cards. Be careful.

Carol Berkman, a judge in New York City, has presided over a case that convicted a man of “Identity Fraud” because he sock puppeted their names online. Saturday Night Live had better watch out, and put up disclaimers that THIS IS NOT JOE BIDEN, because mocking well known academics in their field is not allowed in Berkman’s court.

And to finish up tonight, California is also dumb unfortunately, not just New York. Our economy is in the toilet, we’re bleeding jobs to Texas and to plain old closings of businesses, but the state legislature is looking to increase tax collection. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.

Fundraising is a key component for most social good campaigns and projects. Thanks to the the Internet and the social web, raising money for a non-profit, community project or charitable organization or relief effort is easier than ever before.

The web makes it possible to get your message across and collect money from people all over the world and to include your social graph in the process.

If you have an idea or a cause that you want to bring awareness to and raise funds around, there are lots of great online tools to help get you started. Whether you want to raise money for a local community center or help fundraise as part of a broader social good campaign, these tools make it easy to get the word out and collect the funds you need./> id="more-380180">

1. FirstGiving

The U.S. subsidiary of, FirstGiving lets users raise money for any non-profit in the GuideStar database.

It’s free to create a basic account, but if you pay $300 you can fully customize your donations page and link them back to your own website. FirstGiving lets you create fundraising around upcoming events, marathons and walk-a-thons too, which is a nice touch. The processing fee for donation is 5% plus another 2% for credit card transactions.

2. Crowdrise

We mentioned Crowdrise in a recent post about alternatives to Facebook Causes and it is a great tool for both charities and general purpose fundraisers.

Once you start a project, you can share your project’s link via Facebookclass="blippr-nobr">Facebook, Twitterclass="blippr-nobr">Twitter and e-mail. You can also earn points from the community based on your project and your overall campaign. Crowdrise also has an ongoing series of promotions and sweepstakes that you can add to your project to sweeten the incentive to give.

3. Kickstarter

Kickstarter is most often used by aspiring creatives to fund projects but it can also be used for great effect for local social good community efforts.

Kickstarter is unique in that if your goal amount isn’t reached, none of the money is collected. This “all-or-nothing” approach often leads to Kickstarter campaigns being more active and more involved than a traditional “donate widget.”

A great part of Kickstarter for the social fund creator is the ability to reward donors at certain levels. Much like PBS and NPR offer trinkets if you give a certain amount, Kickstarter lets its project creators do the same thing. You can get really creative with your different donor levels to drive people to give more.

4. WhatGives

WhatGives offers a great widget you can use on Facebook or on your personal webpage to collect donations for your non-profit. WhatGives is nice because aside from integrating well with Facebook, all donations are handled through PayPal.

You need to be a registered non-profit with an approved PayPal account, and all donations are channeled directly into that account. You can customize the platform and embed it as a Facebook app or on your blog or website.

5. lets users create programs to generate actions from others. This can be as simple as signing a petition or writing a letter, or as generous as donating money. For non-profits in the GuideStar database, you can create your own donation pages to collect funds and also draw attention to other action items. is very focused on making it easy to virally spread a message, and the site itself also acts as a portal to different organizations and awareness campaigns.

6. Chipin

Chipin is one of the most popular donation widget tools on the web and it’s a great way to collect money for a good cause. We love the Chipin widget because you can see instant progress on donations, and it accepts many forms of payment.

Unlike many of the services on this list, Chipin isn’t just for non-profits or community organizations. You can use it for any project you want.

7. Razoo

Razoo has options for individuals, non-profits, foundations and corporations to raise money for their causes. Individuals can choose to create a fundraising page for any registered non-profit that Razoo recognizes (they have a database of about a million) and non-profits can create custom pages for their organizations and connect with supporters and encourage them to create their own fundraising pages.

What we love about Razoo, in addition to its simple interface and great UI, is that it also offers donation matching for corporations or foundations looking for an easy way to raise money.

8. Convio

Convio offers software for online fundraising and membership, and while its target audience is probably bigger groups or organizations, it’s still worth a look.

For example, Convio’s TeamRaiser lets organizations make it easy for volunteers to create their own websites for tracking and attracting donations.

If you’re organizing a social good fund for a big charity walk or event where volunteers go door-to-door to get donations, check out Convio because it makes managing that process much easier.

9. Facebook Causes

Causes is an increasingly common way for individuals to raise money and start their own funds that are tied to a non-profit. Because Causes is so well-integrated into Facebook, it makes getting the word out and raising awareness and funds for your cause that much simpler.

10. StayClassy

A newer player in the arena of online giving, San Diego’s StayClassy is focused not just on helping non-profits collect donations online, but also manage events and campaigns, track their fundraising results and plug-in.

The world of online fundraising is vast and diverse. What tools have you used when starting your own social good funds? Let us know in the comments.

Brought to you by the class='blippr-nobr'>Mashableclass="blippr-nobr">Mashable & 92Y Social Good Summit

This post was brought to you by the groundbreaking Social Good Summit. On September 20, as global leaders head to New York for United Nations Week — including a historic summit on global issues known as the “Millennium Development Goals” (MDGs) and the annual General Assembly — Mashable, 92nd Street Y and the UN Foundation will bring together leaders from the digital industry, policy and media worlds to focus on how technology and social networks can play a leading role in addressing the world’s most intractable problems.

Date: Monday, September 20, 2010/> Time: 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. ET/> Location: 92nd Street Y, New York City/> Tickets: On sale through Eventbrite


Image courtesy of iStockphotoclass="blippr-nobr">iStockphoto, PinkTag

For more Social Good coverage:

    class="f-el">class="cov-twit">Follow Mashable Social Goodclass="s-el">class="cov-rss">Subscribe to the Social Good channelclass="f-el">class="cov-fb">Become a Fan on Facebookclass="s-el">class="cov-apple">Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

eric seiger

Apologies for missing the last two Tech at Nights. But unlike the paid staff of the well-funded Free Press, every word I’ve ever written here on technical issues has been on my own time, for free, because I care about the issues. And when work overwhelms me, as it did last week as a huge deadline approached, something had to give. And what gave was what I had to do at night when I just wanted to sleep.

So we start tonight with an update on the Waxman Net Neutrality bill. I wrote of it before in support of it, and proved prophetic as Henry Waxman used Republican opposition to justify radical, illegal FCC action on the issue.

It’s not too late, though. We can still build momentum to stop the FCC’s end run around the Congress, the Courts, and the Constitution. We need to talk up the Waxman bill because it is more limited than any other major proposal we’ve dealt with during this debate, because it would strictly, expressly forbid the FCC from doing the disastrous Title II reclassification which would give the FCC broad powers, and it’s just possible that the Congress taking the baton on this would encourage the FCC to back down until the process runs its course.

Politics matters, and there’s going to be a lame duck session. We can judo the Democrats on this, and use their bill in a bipartisan way to get the Congress behind a clear majority of the nation against massive Internet regulation. But we have to step up to the plate, ignore the Waxman name, and use the decent language of his proposal to make it happen. It’s time to put country first.

Especially when it gives even Barack Obama an out from a divisive issue, even as it gives America an out from regulation potentially more devastating to our economy than Obamacare, if it chokes off the Internet, one of our high growth, high potential areas.

And remember, the FCC is under pressure. It has all the power, but it is also under enormous political pressure. If the United States Congress makes bipartisan efforts against it, that will matter. Constitutional power still matters in this country, and no amount of political or rhetorical nudging will matter against it.

Moving on, The Obama administration is increasing regulation of electronic money transfers, rather than decreasing it as the libertarians who supported him expected. Huh. The statist is making government bigger. Whodathunkit? Oh wait. We did. We even said so. But people had to “make history” because Bush. And because racism. And now we all pay the price.

Be careful of what you do online with your name attached to it. People without their name attached to their works may expose you if you’re buying things online that you don’t want people to know about. It’s a crime, and anonymous vandals like the ones who have invaded 4chan infuriate me. But know they are out there. Walk in well-lit places. Use disposable credit cards. Be careful.

Carol Berkman, a judge in New York City, has presided over a case that convicted a man of “Identity Fraud” because he sock puppeted their names online. Saturday Night Live had better watch out, and put up disclaimers that THIS IS NOT JOE BIDEN, because mocking well known academics in their field is not allowed in Berkman’s court.

And to finish up tonight, California is also dumb unfortunately, not just New York. Our economy is in the toilet, we’re bleeding jobs to Texas and to plain old closings of businesses, but the state legislature is looking to increase tax collection. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.

Fundraising is a key component for most social good campaigns and projects. Thanks to the the Internet and the social web, raising money for a non-profit, community project or charitable organization or relief effort is easier than ever before.

The web makes it possible to get your message across and collect money from people all over the world and to include your social graph in the process.

If you have an idea or a cause that you want to bring awareness to and raise funds around, there are lots of great online tools to help get you started. Whether you want to raise money for a local community center or help fundraise as part of a broader social good campaign, these tools make it easy to get the word out and collect the funds you need./> id="more-380180">

1. FirstGiving

The U.S. subsidiary of, FirstGiving lets users raise money for any non-profit in the GuideStar database.

It’s free to create a basic account, but if you pay $300 you can fully customize your donations page and link them back to your own website. FirstGiving lets you create fundraising around upcoming events, marathons and walk-a-thons too, which is a nice touch. The processing fee for donation is 5% plus another 2% for credit card transactions.

2. Crowdrise

We mentioned Crowdrise in a recent post about alternatives to Facebook Causes and it is a great tool for both charities and general purpose fundraisers.

Once you start a project, you can share your project’s link via Facebookclass="blippr-nobr">Facebook, Twitterclass="blippr-nobr">Twitter and e-mail. You can also earn points from the community based on your project and your overall campaign. Crowdrise also has an ongoing series of promotions and sweepstakes that you can add to your project to sweeten the incentive to give.

3. Kickstarter

Kickstarter is most often used by aspiring creatives to fund projects but it can also be used for great effect for local social good community efforts.

Kickstarter is unique in that if your goal amount isn’t reached, none of the money is collected. This “all-or-nothing” approach often leads to Kickstarter campaigns being more active and more involved than a traditional “donate widget.”

A great part of Kickstarter for the social fund creator is the ability to reward donors at certain levels. Much like PBS and NPR offer trinkets if you give a certain amount, Kickstarter lets its project creators do the same thing. You can get really creative with your different donor levels to drive people to give more.

4. WhatGives

WhatGives offers a great widget you can use on Facebook or on your personal webpage to collect donations for your non-profit. WhatGives is nice because aside from integrating well with Facebook, all donations are handled through PayPal.

You need to be a registered non-profit with an approved PayPal account, and all donations are channeled directly into that account. You can customize the platform and embed it as a Facebook app or on your blog or website.

5. lets users create programs to generate actions from others. This can be as simple as signing a petition or writing a letter, or as generous as donating money. For non-profits in the GuideStar database, you can create your own donation pages to collect funds and also draw attention to other action items. is very focused on making it easy to virally spread a message, and the site itself also acts as a portal to different organizations and awareness campaigns.

6. Chipin

Chipin is one of the most popular donation widget tools on the web and it’s a great way to collect money for a good cause. We love the Chipin widget because you can see instant progress on donations, and it accepts many forms of payment.

Unlike many of the services on this list, Chipin isn’t just for non-profits or community organizations. You can use it for any project you want.

7. Razoo

Razoo has options for individuals, non-profits, foundations and corporations to raise money for their causes. Individuals can choose to create a fundraising page for any registered non-profit that Razoo recognizes (they have a database of about a million) and non-profits can create custom pages for their organizations and connect with supporters and encourage them to create their own fundraising pages.

What we love about Razoo, in addition to its simple interface and great UI, is that it also offers donation matching for corporations or foundations looking for an easy way to raise money.

8. Convio

Convio offers software for online fundraising and membership, and while its target audience is probably bigger groups or organizations, it’s still worth a look.

For example, Convio’s TeamRaiser lets organizations make it easy for volunteers to create their own websites for tracking and attracting donations.

If you’re organizing a social good fund for a big charity walk or event where volunteers go door-to-door to get donations, check out Convio because it makes managing that process much easier.

9. Facebook Causes

Causes is an increasingly common way for individuals to raise money and start their own funds that are tied to a non-profit. Because Causes is so well-integrated into Facebook, it makes getting the word out and raising awareness and funds for your cause that much simpler.

10. StayClassy

A newer player in the arena of online giving, San Diego’s StayClassy is focused not just on helping non-profits collect donations online, but also manage events and campaigns, track their fundraising results and plug-in.

The world of online fundraising is vast and diverse. What tools have you used when starting your own social good funds? Let us know in the comments.

Brought to you by the class='blippr-nobr'>Mashableclass="blippr-nobr">Mashable & 92Y Social Good Summit

This post was brought to you by the groundbreaking Social Good Summit. On September 20, as global leaders head to New York for United Nations Week — including a historic summit on global issues known as the “Millennium Development Goals” (MDGs) and the annual General Assembly — Mashable, 92nd Street Y and the UN Foundation will bring together leaders from the digital industry, policy and media worlds to focus on how technology and social networks can play a leading role in addressing the world’s most intractable problems.

Date: Monday, September 20, 2010/> Time: 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. ET/> Location: 92nd Street Y, New York City/> Tickets: On sale through Eventbrite


Image courtesy of iStockphotoclass="blippr-nobr">iStockphoto, PinkTag

For more Social Good coverage:

    class="f-el">class="cov-twit">Follow Mashable Social Goodclass="s-el">class="cov-rss">Subscribe to the Social Good channelclass="f-el">class="cov-fb">Become a Fan on Facebookclass="s-el">class="cov-apple">Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

eric seiger

eric seiger

Petaling Jaya Internet Marketing by e1netseminars

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

eric seiger

Apologies for missing the last two Tech at Nights. But unlike the paid staff of the well-funded Free Press, every word I’ve ever written here on technical issues has been on my own time, for free, because I care about the issues. And when work overwhelms me, as it did last week as a huge deadline approached, something had to give. And what gave was what I had to do at night when I just wanted to sleep.

So we start tonight with an update on the Waxman Net Neutrality bill. I wrote of it before in support of it, and proved prophetic as Henry Waxman used Republican opposition to justify radical, illegal FCC action on the issue.

It’s not too late, though. We can still build momentum to stop the FCC’s end run around the Congress, the Courts, and the Constitution. We need to talk up the Waxman bill because it is more limited than any other major proposal we’ve dealt with during this debate, because it would strictly, expressly forbid the FCC from doing the disastrous Title II reclassification which would give the FCC broad powers, and it’s just possible that the Congress taking the baton on this would encourage the FCC to back down until the process runs its course.

Politics matters, and there’s going to be a lame duck session. We can judo the Democrats on this, and use their bill in a bipartisan way to get the Congress behind a clear majority of the nation against massive Internet regulation. But we have to step up to the plate, ignore the Waxman name, and use the decent language of his proposal to make it happen. It’s time to put country first.

Especially when it gives even Barack Obama an out from a divisive issue, even as it gives America an out from regulation potentially more devastating to our economy than Obamacare, if it chokes off the Internet, one of our high growth, high potential areas.

And remember, the FCC is under pressure. It has all the power, but it is also under enormous political pressure. If the United States Congress makes bipartisan efforts against it, that will matter. Constitutional power still matters in this country, and no amount of political or rhetorical nudging will matter against it.

Moving on, The Obama administration is increasing regulation of electronic money transfers, rather than decreasing it as the libertarians who supported him expected. Huh. The statist is making government bigger. Whodathunkit? Oh wait. We did. We even said so. But people had to “make history” because Bush. And because racism. And now we all pay the price.

Be careful of what you do online with your name attached to it. People without their name attached to their works may expose you if you’re buying things online that you don’t want people to know about. It’s a crime, and anonymous vandals like the ones who have invaded 4chan infuriate me. But know they are out there. Walk in well-lit places. Use disposable credit cards. Be careful.

Carol Berkman, a judge in New York City, has presided over a case that convicted a man of “Identity Fraud” because he sock puppeted their names online. Saturday Night Live had better watch out, and put up disclaimers that THIS IS NOT JOE BIDEN, because mocking well known academics in their field is not allowed in Berkman’s court.

And to finish up tonight, California is also dumb unfortunately, not just New York. Our economy is in the toilet, we’re bleeding jobs to Texas and to plain old closings of businesses, but the state legislature is looking to increase tax collection. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.

Fundraising is a key component for most social good campaigns and projects. Thanks to the the Internet and the social web, raising money for a non-profit, community project or charitable organization or relief effort is easier than ever before.

The web makes it possible to get your message across and collect money from people all over the world and to include your social graph in the process.

If you have an idea or a cause that you want to bring awareness to and raise funds around, there are lots of great online tools to help get you started. Whether you want to raise money for a local community center or help fundraise as part of a broader social good campaign, these tools make it easy to get the word out and collect the funds you need./> id="more-380180">

1. FirstGiving

The U.S. subsidiary of, FirstGiving lets users raise money for any non-profit in the GuideStar database.

It’s free to create a basic account, but if you pay $300 you can fully customize your donations page and link them back to your own website. FirstGiving lets you create fundraising around upcoming events, marathons and walk-a-thons too, which is a nice touch. The processing fee for donation is 5% plus another 2% for credit card transactions.

2. Crowdrise

We mentioned Crowdrise in a recent post about alternatives to Facebook Causes and it is a great tool for both charities and general purpose fundraisers.

Once you start a project, you can share your project’s link via Facebookclass="blippr-nobr">Facebook, Twitterclass="blippr-nobr">Twitter and e-mail. You can also earn points from the community based on your project and your overall campaign. Crowdrise also has an ongoing series of promotions and sweepstakes that you can add to your project to sweeten the incentive to give.

3. Kickstarter

Kickstarter is most often used by aspiring creatives to fund projects but it can also be used for great effect for local social good community efforts.

Kickstarter is unique in that if your goal amount isn’t reached, none of the money is collected. This “all-or-nothing” approach often leads to Kickstarter campaigns being more active and more involved than a traditional “donate widget.”

A great part of Kickstarter for the social fund creator is the ability to reward donors at certain levels. Much like PBS and NPR offer trinkets if you give a certain amount, Kickstarter lets its project creators do the same thing. You can get really creative with your different donor levels to drive people to give more.

4. WhatGives

WhatGives offers a great widget you can use on Facebook or on your personal webpage to collect donations for your non-profit. WhatGives is nice because aside from integrating well with Facebook, all donations are handled through PayPal.

You need to be a registered non-profit with an approved PayPal account, and all donations are channeled directly into that account. You can customize the platform and embed it as a Facebook app or on your blog or website.

5. lets users create programs to generate actions from others. This can be as simple as signing a petition or writing a letter, or as generous as donating money. For non-profits in the GuideStar database, you can create your own donation pages to collect funds and also draw attention to other action items. is very focused on making it easy to virally spread a message, and the site itself also acts as a portal to different organizations and awareness campaigns.

6. Chipin

Chipin is one of the most popular donation widget tools on the web and it’s a great way to collect money for a good cause. We love the Chipin widget because you can see instant progress on donations, and it accepts many forms of payment.

Unlike many of the services on this list, Chipin isn’t just for non-profits or community organizations. You can use it for any project you want.

7. Razoo

Razoo has options for individuals, non-profits, foundations and corporations to raise money for their causes. Individuals can choose to create a fundraising page for any registered non-profit that Razoo recognizes (they have a database of about a million) and non-profits can create custom pages for their organizations and connect with supporters and encourage them to create their own fundraising pages.

What we love about Razoo, in addition to its simple interface and great UI, is that it also offers donation matching for corporations or foundations looking for an easy way to raise money.

8. Convio

Convio offers software for online fundraising and membership, and while its target audience is probably bigger groups or organizations, it’s still worth a look.

For example, Convio’s TeamRaiser lets organizations make it easy for volunteers to create their own websites for tracking and attracting donations.

If you’re organizing a social good fund for a big charity walk or event where volunteers go door-to-door to get donations, check out Convio because it makes managing that process much easier.

9. Facebook Causes

Causes is an increasingly common way for individuals to raise money and start their own funds that are tied to a non-profit. Because Causes is so well-integrated into Facebook, it makes getting the word out and raising awareness and funds for your cause that much simpler.

10. StayClassy

A newer player in the arena of online giving, San Diego’s StayClassy is focused not just on helping non-profits collect donations online, but also manage events and campaigns, track their fundraising results and plug-in.

The world of online fundraising is vast and diverse. What tools have you used when starting your own social good funds? Let us know in the comments.

Brought to you by the class='blippr-nobr'>Mashableclass="blippr-nobr">Mashable & 92Y Social Good Summit

This post was brought to you by the groundbreaking Social Good Summit. On September 20, as global leaders head to New York for United Nations Week — including a historic summit on global issues known as the “Millennium Development Goals” (MDGs) and the annual General Assembly — Mashable, 92nd Street Y and the UN Foundation will bring together leaders from the digital industry, policy and media worlds to focus on how technology and social networks can play a leading role in addressing the world’s most intractable problems.

Date: Monday, September 20, 2010/> Time: 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. ET/> Location: 92nd Street Y, New York City/> Tickets: On sale through Eventbrite


Image courtesy of iStockphotoclass="blippr-nobr">iStockphoto, PinkTag

For more Social Good coverage:

    class="f-el">class="cov-twit">Follow Mashable Social Goodclass="s-el">class="cov-rss">Subscribe to the Social Good channelclass="f-el">class="cov-fb">Become a Fan on Facebookclass="s-el">class="cov-apple">Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

eric seiger

Petaling Jaya Internet Marketing by e1netseminars

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

eric seiger

Petaling Jaya Internet Marketing by e1netseminars

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

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big seminar 14

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

big seminar 14

Let's face it: one of the biggest reasons why people find making money online so appealing is this idea that they're getting "free money"-- in other words, money earned that is all theirs to keep, without being subjected to any fees or taxes that might take a portion out of it.

What's the reality behind this idea of "free" money? Is it true that every penny you make online is all yours for the taking? Absolutely not. You've probably heard the saying, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Not only is it true, it's especially true when it comes to internet revenue. I don't know what tax laws are internationally, but in the United States, if you make over $600 in income annually you must report it. Not only that, but if you make enough money to owe taxes, then you must pay it-- not only just federal but local and state taxes as well.

I can practically hear those wheels turning around in your head as you contemplate whether or not there's a way you can avoid this unpleasant reality. You're probably thinking that perhaps when tax time comes rolling around you can just keep quiet about your earnings. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

You can of course say absolutely nothing come April 15; however, that doesn't mean that the IRS can't know of your internet income. Whenever you earn any money through a company-- whether it be in the form of microstock royalties, affiliate earnings, or anything else-- it will fill out and send to you a tax form known as a 1099-MISC, usually around January or February. What is the 1099-MISC? It's a tax form similar to a W-2 form, except it's a record of earnings paid out to people who aren't salaried employees of a company. The form is more than just a printout of how much revenue you earned any given year; much like a W-2 form, you're supposed to file it with the IRS come April 15 when you report your income.

I know what you're thinking: that totally sucks, so maybe there's a way you can wriggle out of not getting this form filled out and sent to you. That's certainly possible, since in order to create the 1099-MISC form in the first place, the company you're earning money from would need certain tax-related information from you, such as your social security number. So one sneaky thing you could do is give incomplete information when you're asked to submit it. You could even refuse to give your social security number.

Just a warning-- if you plan to do this, you're going to face a lot of resistance. You see, because 1099-MISC is also for the benefit of the company when it files its taxes, most companies will be adamant about having one completed for you regardless of whether you choose to report to Uncle Sam or not. In fact, some will even withhold payment of your current earnings or block you from earning more money until you've given them the information needed to create one. So try as you might, you're not going to have an easy time of making your internet earnings "disappear" into thin air. A paper trail will always exist of your internet revenue regardless of your willingness (or lack thereof) to report it.

This is one of the most important issues you should be aware of before getting into internet money making. Don't think that just because you're earning money on the web, it doesn't count as income or means you're exempt from paying taxes. You're just as responsible for reporting income as anyone else-- if not more-- because the IRS considers your earnings as business income. So a word of advice-- if you ever start getting a steady stream of internet income, don't start spending it wildly with the expectation that it's all yours to keep. Be mindful of the fact that a portion of every check you get will have to be forked over to Uncle Sam at some point. It's important to prepare yourself, because nothing will be more frustrating than realizing that you have to pay taxes on money you no longer have, since you'd spent it all.

big seminar 14

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

big seminar 14

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 10/11 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Good morning Chiefs fans, and welcome to Arrowheadlines. As you'd expect, there are a lot of Kansas City Chiefs stories out there this morning. We've gathered them here for you. Enjoy.

Why MSNBC &amp; FOX <b>news</b> want health care to fail

Well this is where I think we are all getting duped as the news corps left and right are paid by all areas of the medical fields with advertisements and are there news stations biggest cash cow. these clips being put together by both ...

&#39;American Idol&#39;s Crystal Bowersox Gets Married | Fancast <b>News</b>

'American Idol's Crystal Bowersox married musician Brian Walker on Sunday, October 10, 2010, in Chicago, and will celebrate their anniversary on 10/10/10 along with the other approximated 40000 lovebirds who said 'I Do'

big seminar 14

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